Street sweeping in the District will resume Friday, March 1
Parking restrictions will go into effect two days per week in many residential neighborhoods.
If you live in a neighborhood with parking restrictions, look for the red and white signs. You'll have to alternate which side of the street you park on during sweeping hours.
Residential streets with no parking signs are swept twice a month and cars do not need to be moved, the D.C. Department of Public Works (DPW) says on its website.
Enforcement of parking violation will begin Monday, March 12. Residential street sweeping will continue through Oct. 31.
The DPW offers the following tips:
- Pick up the litter and trash in your alley and around your property, rather than sweeping these items into the gutter to eventually end up in one of the District’s rivers.
- Residential property owners are responsible for maintaining the sidewalks and tree box spaces around their property. Commercial property owners are responsible for the public space around their property up to 18 inches from the curb into the street.
- Use the street litter and recycling cans as you walk along the District’s commercial streets. The litter cans are for pedestrian trash only, not household trash.
- Avoid a street sweeping ticket by obeying the parking (No Parking Street Cleaning) signs along residential streets. Eighty percent of the residents of these streets signed petitions pledging to move their cars so sweeping would be effective.
- Overnight scheduled sweeping of the District’s major roadways occurs year-round, weather permitting. Motorists are urged to obey the signs when parking in these areas during the posted overnight sweeping hours.
- To obtain street and alley cleaning services, call 311.
Photo Credit: Shutterstock